Article 11319

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Ivchenkov Sergey Grigor'evich, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, head of sub-department of youth sociology, Saratov State University (83 Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, Russia), E-mail:
Kantemirova Galina Andreevna, Candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, sub-department of social work, K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetia State University (44-46 Vatutina street, Vladikavkaz, the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania), E-mail:  

Index UDK





Background. The large-scale demographic transformation in the sphere of family relations, consisting in the general reduction of marriage, increasing the proportion of officially unregistered families, increasing the number of children born out of an official marriage and changing the traditional sequence of events, actualizes the focus of the research on the problems of changes in the types of family structure. The aim of the work is sociological reflection of the peculiarities of social dynamics of family structure types in Russia.
Materials and methods. Implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of the analysis of theoretically significant foreign and Russian social research in the field of incomplete family. A panoramic review of several periods of pronounced social instability in Russia, namely: the event block "World War I – revolutions - Civil war - the Great Patriotic war", which came in the first half of the twentieth century, complemented by a retrospective of the Soviet specifics of the problems of incomplete family of the second half of the XX century. The author's analysis of secondary data of modern empirical studies allowed to outline the social problems of family and motherhood in Russia.
Results. The features of social dynamics of family structure types in Russia are revealed and generalized. The complex of these changes is marked as "pluralization", "de-standardization" or "individualization" of society.
Conclusions. The main difference of Russia in the field of the dynamics of family structure types is that currently there is an overlap of the effects of the transition to a new social system and common for the whole of Europe phenomena of the so-called "second demographic transition". This large-scale demographic transformation in the sphere of family relations consists in a General decrease in marriage, an increase in the proportion of officially unregistered families, and an increase in the number of children born out of wedlock. As a result, the sociocultural potential of an incomplete family depends directly on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the social space of society, as well as on such components as regional, ethnic, historical, traditional and cultural. 

Key words

types of family structure; second demographic transition; singleparent family; single-parent extended families; "lonely" motherhood 

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Дата создания: 12.12.2019 09:31
Дата обновления: 13.12.2019 10:04